God with us, there are
Fundamental Baptist Church Founded October 26, 1975 SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OCTOBER 26, 2025
Fundamental Baptist ChurchFounded October 26, 1975  SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OCTOBER 26, 2025

OUR MISSION in the Service of our LORD JESUS

We trust in God, because He is the creator and sustainer of the entire universe. As Sovereign Lord, He works all things out for His glory and our good. Often the good is not immediately recognized, and in some cases we'll not know until we get to heaven. But He can be trusted; He does not fail.

Here at Fundamental Baptist Church we believe that the Bible is God's Holy Word. Written by man, inspired by God. We believe in the basic principles of the Bible that God laid out for us. We believe that salvation is through Jesus Christ only and once saved, always saved.

We are a family oriented church that welcomes all no matter your station in life.


The purpose of our church is for the winning of the lost to Christ and the edification of Christians through the preaching and teaching of God's Word; the administration of the ordinances of the New Testament and the world-wide proclamation of the gospel to every creature, utilizing every possible means.
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